If you want to extract Total no of pages,Creator,Creation Date,Producer,Tagged,Page size,MediaBox,CropBox,BleedBox,TrimBox,ArtBox,File size,PDF version etc then you can used below code.
$file_name = "files/client_bussinesscard_front.pdf";
echo "<b>All Details : </b>";
$command_pagesize8 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name";
shell_exec($command_pagesize8); //run the command
echo "<br><br><hr>";
echo "<b>Total Pages : </b>";
$command_pagesize1 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name | grep Pages";
shell_exec($command_pagesize1); //run the command
echo "<br><br><hr>";
echo "<b>Page size : </b>";
$command_pagesize2 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name | grep 'Page size'";
shell_exec($command_pagesize2); //run the command
echo "<br><br><hr>";
$command_pagesize3 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name | grep 'MediaBox'";
mm($command_pagesize3,"<b>MediaBox Details (wight x height):</b><br>");
$command_pagesize4 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name | grep 'CropBox'";
mm($command_pagesize4,"<b>CropBox Details (wight x height):</b><br>");
$command_pagesize5 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name | grep 'BleedBox'";
mm($command_pagesize5,"<b>BleedBox Details (wight x height):</b><br>");
$command_pagesize6 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name | grep 'TrimBox'";
mm($command_pagesize6,"<b>TrimBox Details (wight x height):</b><br>");
$command_pagesize7 = "pdfinfo -box $file_name | grep 'ArtBox'";
mm($command_pagesize7,"<b>ArtBox Details (wight x height):</b><br>");
function mm($command,$title)
echo $title;
$array = explode(" ",shell_exec($command));
foreach($array as $val)
<table width="50%" border="1">
<td align="center"><?php echo $final_array[3] . " x " .$final_array[4]; ?></td>
<td align="center"><?php echo round(($final_array[3]*0.35277777778),2) . " x " .round(($final_array[4]*0.35277777778),2);?><br>
<?php echo round(($final_array[3]*0.35277777778)) . " x " .round(($final_array[4]*0.35277777778));?></td>